Saturday, January 12, 2013

10.17.2012 - Surprise!

On October 17, 2012 we found out that there was a little Johnson on the way. 

I had been feeling weird, very thirsty and having hot flashes but didn't think that much of it.  I received a call from the person handling my mortgage refinance and I snapped and her and was in tears over nothing.  I bought a test on the way home from work and was surprised to see the result in under 2 minutes!

When Byron arrived home from work I said "I figured out why I have been feeling and acting so weird lately!" and showed him the test.  He was surprised to and said "What??" and took the test from me to look at it. I think his next word was "Awesome" but its still kind of a blur.

Baby Johnson was officially on the way.....

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