Sunday, January 13, 2013

Want to hear the little heartbeat?

Our Sonoline B Doppler lets us hear baby's heartbeat as often as we want.  Sometimes it is tricky  to keep it because the baby is moving around so much.  Here is a sample we recorded today. 

Heartbeat fluctuates between 120 and 150 BPM depending on how active he or she wants to be that day. =)

On a side note, we were disappointed to see our Seahawks lose today, we were hoping to be able to tell little one that the year he/she was born, the Hawks took the Superbowl.  ;)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

12.21.2012 - Heartbeat & Announcement

At our 14 week doctor appt on December 21st, Byron & I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time.  The doctor listened with a doppler and found it almost immediately.  Something about the heartbeat makes it seems so much more real.  I immediately ordered at at home doppler so I can listen whenever I feel the need. =)  We also scheduled our anatomy scan appointment for late January, we hope to find out the gender at that appointment too!

We told Tyler and Trinity when they arrived for Christmas Break as they were with us for Christmas and staying through first weekend in January.   They are excited, in their own teenager way. ;)

On December 24th, we officially announced Baby Johnson's arrival in June on Facebook.  Since it is Christmas Eve, baby was dressed festive for the announcement photo.  Friends and Family were very excited for us.  We will be visiting Grays Harbor in January and looking forward to seeing people.

11.20.2012 - First Doctor Appt

Byron and I went to our first ultrasound today.  I had a first glimpse previously but this was a first doctor appt to determine official due date. 

Little bean was moving around a lot and had a strong heartbeat, it looked like it was dancing.  It was too early to hear the heartbeat but we could see the strong flashing light in his little chest.  I was impressed at how good of a picture that the doctor took, every ultrasound I had seen before was hard to translate for me.

The baby measured at 9w3d so doctor adjusted the due date to June 24, 2013.

11.3.2012 - First Look

I had a little scare this week, I went to the ER to get things checked out.  Everything turned out fine and was able to get my first glimpse of our little bean. 
Based on measurements, the gestational age was set at 6 weeks, 6 days so the due date would be June 23, 2013. 

10.17.2012 - Surprise!

On October 17, 2012 we found out that there was a little Johnson on the way. 

I had been feeling weird, very thirsty and having hot flashes but didn't think that much of it.  I received a call from the person handling my mortgage refinance and I snapped and her and was in tears over nothing.  I bought a test on the way home from work and was surprised to see the result in under 2 minutes!

When Byron arrived home from work I said "I figured out why I have been feeling and acting so weird lately!" and showed him the test.  He was surprised to and said "What??" and took the test from me to look at it. I think his next word was "Awesome" but its still kind of a blur.

Baby Johnson was officially on the way.....