Saturday, June 29, 2013

40 Weeks - June 23, 2013

40 Weeks, due date has arrived! Doctor visit this week revealed that Baby Johnson isn't ready to arrive yet.  No progress toward labor other than occasional Braxton Hicks contractions.  Next apt is Monday, July 1st to check progress and discuss options, I will be 41 weeks, 1 day for the appt.  Hopefully baby will decide to  start the process toward joining the world soon!  Otherwise we will have to look at other options like possible induction.

Looks like we will have a July baby on our hands rather than June.  Byron and I are anxious for his arrival.

Tyler and Trinity arrived this week, maybe that is why he is opting to arrive late?  The kids are out enjoying Lake Tahoe today with Byron and Uncle Jesse and Cousin Austin (who are visiting for the weekend).  The weather is hot, hot, hot here.  Thank goodness for AC! =)

Austin, Tyler, Jesse, & Trinity at Lake Tahoe today.
At the top of Mt Rose, almost 9000 feet. 
Trinity, Austin, Byron, Jesse, & Tyler

39 Weeks

Getting closer! 1 week until due date.

Week 38

Week 38 was very fun.  Good friends Angela & Daniele  came to visit Reno and put together a virtual shower for me.  Friends and family that attended were able to do so via webcam.  It was really nice, thanks ladies, you're the best!!  And thanks to those who attended.  Its the next best thing to seeing everyone in person.

We also had a little  time to hit the downtown casinos and play a little. :)


Sunday, June 2, 2013

June has arrived!

I have been slacking with my posts, for some reason I have been so tired and lazy lately!

Since last post i have hit weeks 35, 36, & today hit 37 weeks.  Since 37 weeks is considered "full term", Baby Johnson is officially baked and is just plumping up until he is ready to arrive!  He should weigh about six pounds and measure around 18-19 inches.

This means only 3 weeks until his 40 week due date of June 23rd.  Baby Johnson's big brother and sister will be arriving in Reno on June 28th so he may decide to wait for their arrival.  We shall see!

I'm still working full-time, probably will until he arrives.  I'm lucky to have a job that doesn't make me be on my feet too much so I can handle it well.  Definitely get tired and sore in the evenings though. 

Angela & Daniele will be visitng next weekend, very much looking forward to it!!
The weather has warmed up a lot over the last few weeks, it should be in the low 90s during their time here which I know they are looking forward to.  They have put together a little virtual baby shower for me which I'm very excited for!  :)

Starting to put together clothes, diapers, etc and doing lots of cleaning.  Baby Johnson is more organized than mommy is! I'm sure that won't last long after he arrives. ;)  I think the nesting instinct has officially kicked in.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Here is "my bump's" growth so far.  Pics taken at 19, 27, 29, 30, 32, & 34 weeks.

34 Weeks

The weather is getting really nice here in Reno, 87 degree high today.

As much as I love the sun and warm summer climate, I sure am glad that I will only be pregnant for the beginning of it.  I'm hot enough as it is already!

Had my 33 week appt on Friday.  Baby Johnson is measuring right on track.  Another appt in a few weeks and then we start weekly appts.  I'm officially 34 weeks as of today, Sunday, May 12th (Mother's Day).....which is 41 days.  41 days sounds so close!! I'll stick with 6 weeks. :)

Took a pic of Tater today that was slightly obstructed.  I thought I would share it because it makes me laugh. =)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

33 Weeks

Today is 33 weeks.  I'll also be 33 this week so thats some good timing ;)

The nursery area is starting to come together.  Just working on organizing the closet.  Baby Johnson's first 4 stuffed friends are in the crib and ready to entertain. :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

3d/4d Ultrasound

Byron and I had an appointment for a 3d/4d Ultrasound today.  Its an elective ultrasound.  Unless the pregnancy is high risk or there is concern, the normal prenatal care includes only an early dating ultrasound and the anatomy scan at 18-20 weeks.

So we got to go to a nice comfy office with a big screen TV and watch Baby Johnson for about a half hour.  It was really cool.  He didn't want to sit still and was obsessed with his hands.  You could even see the outline of some hair on his head.

Here are some screen shots from today's ultrasound and a video clip.  He weighs about 3.5 pounds according to the US measurements.  His cheeks are plumping up and over the next 8-10 weeks he will pack on an average of a half a pound a week.  Wish me luck! lol

                      Click Here to be taken to Vimeo and see a a video clip from the ultrasound.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

30 Weeks

30 weeks has arrived, only 10 weeks left until due date!  Definitely starting to feel bigger.  30 week doctor appt was on Friday and everything looks normal and Baby Johnson is measuring right on track.  Baby Johnson weight about 3-3.5 pounds right now which will likely double by my due date. 

Tater is still loving the bump, even as a comfortable foot rest!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

29 Weeks

Time is starting to fly by a little too fast now! Already 29 weeks which is a week or two into the 3rd (and final) trimester!

I started work on March 18th at SK Food Group, where Byron works, as a HR Specialist.  Feels good to be back at work.  I'll be there through June and then hopefully go back a few months after baby should they need me.

Tyler & Trinity are here for Spring Break this week.  We played some games at Circus Circus and hit up the arcade at the Peppermill last weekend.   Today we had some family photos taken in the wind near the Washoe Valley State Park.

As far as the pregnancy goes, I'm turning into a bit of a waddler. I'm carrying the baby low and already getting the pressure and sciatic nerve pain that makes me walk slower.  Other than that things are pretty good, I'm just happy to have a healthy pregnancy thus far.  My "cute bump" is starting to grow a lot faster into a full grown belly. 

Tater can't get enough of snuggling nowadays.  He either loves his little brother already or I'm just a lot warmer than I used to be so he is taking advantage of that.  Either way its pretty darn cute.

Will update soon with pics of our little nursery area.  We painted Trinity's room and Baby Johnson will be sharing the closet corner.  We put together the crib and are hanging some pictures soon. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

25 Weeks

Tomorrow marks 25 weeks, so I'm partly through the sixth month.  As you see below, I have officially lost my feet to my little bump.  Other than the normal little aches and pains, second trimester has been comfortable.  (All I can say is, thank God for yoga pants.)

Last week I received and framed the prints that will be the inspiration for the nursery area and will go behind his crib.  Love Etsy. :) We will start painting the bedrooms soon.  Since we have a three bedroom house, Baby Johnson will be sharing a corner of Trinity's room. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 2013 Update

As of today, Baby Johnson is 23 weeks, 2 days along - almost six months.  He is estimated to be the size of an ear of corn (8.5 inches) and about 1.5 pounds.   At this point most of his internal organs have formed and are functioning and he closely resembles a little human.  He also can hear sound and has developed taste buds. 

16 weeks, 5 days to go until my due date!

Lots of happenings to report in the last few weeks!

1.  I was laid off from my job at HR Coordinator with CEVA Logistics (I really liked it - boo) but we are being positive about the change. I have had a few promising interviews so far. =)
Plus....When I'm not job searching this leaves more time to prepare for baby's arrival in June.

2.  Byron and I started a registry at Babies R Us. That was quite overwhelming...but fun!  Quite a few people have asked about this, here is the info:

3.  I had my monthly doctor's appointment on Feb 20th.  Baby is measuring right on track, 22 and a half weeks.  Strong heartbeat.  :)

4.  We bought our first baby item last weekend, a Graco jogger travel system (basically a stroller and infant car seat combo).  Even Byron thinks it is pretty cool. 

Due to popular demand, here is my latest bump photo, at 23 weeks.  I will try to include my face sometime in the future. ;)

Here is me at 18 weeks so you can compare, I have been a slacker about posting these. 

Grandma's Gender Reveal

On our trip home to visit in January we revealed the gender to the grandmas with a present in a gender neutral gift bag.  We gave them "Grandma Brag Books" which contained a few ultrasound photos. Basically these are little 4x6 photo albums that were blue to show the gender.

Since this is my mom's first time being a grandma, I wanted to capture her reaction.  The photos are below.  She got distracted by the cute book and photos and I had to say "Mom....what color is the book?"  The second photo is her reaction when the color blue clicked in her head. ;)  For the record, I think we would have had the same reaction if it was a girl.  She's very excited to be a grandma.


Friday, February 8, 2013

02.03.2013 - Halfway

20 weeks today which means halfway to the 40 week due date.

Baby must be celebrating because I woke up this morning feeling him move for the first time. It feels like little muscle twitches inside that get stronger and stronger.

It is undescribable how amazing it is to feel a little person moving inside you.
Can't wait until they are real kicks!

01.23.2013 - 2nd Trimester Anatomy Scan

We had our second trimester anatomy scan at 18.5 weeks on January 23rd. 

The anatomy scan measures baby and looks at the essential organs to ensure they are all there and functional (brain, heart, kidneys, and liver).  Also if baby is not being shy you can usually find out the gender at this appointment. And...its a boy!!

Everything looked great!  We are so excited that he is healthy.  During the scan he kept putting his hands to his mouth, it looked like he was trying to play a trumpet.  The doctor said he is learning how to suck his thumb but hadn't figured it out yet. 

We would have been equally happy with a boy or girl but personally I'm super excited that a little Byron will be on the way.  I happen to think he is pretty great. =)


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Want to hear the little heartbeat?

Our Sonoline B Doppler lets us hear baby's heartbeat as often as we want.  Sometimes it is tricky  to keep it because the baby is moving around so much.  Here is a sample we recorded today. 

Heartbeat fluctuates between 120 and 150 BPM depending on how active he or she wants to be that day. =)

On a side note, we were disappointed to see our Seahawks lose today, we were hoping to be able to tell little one that the year he/she was born, the Hawks took the Superbowl.  ;)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

12.21.2012 - Heartbeat & Announcement

At our 14 week doctor appt on December 21st, Byron & I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time.  The doctor listened with a doppler and found it almost immediately.  Something about the heartbeat makes it seems so much more real.  I immediately ordered at at home doppler so I can listen whenever I feel the need. =)  We also scheduled our anatomy scan appointment for late January, we hope to find out the gender at that appointment too!

We told Tyler and Trinity when they arrived for Christmas Break as they were with us for Christmas and staying through first weekend in January.   They are excited, in their own teenager way. ;)

On December 24th, we officially announced Baby Johnson's arrival in June on Facebook.  Since it is Christmas Eve, baby was dressed festive for the announcement photo.  Friends and Family were very excited for us.  We will be visiting Grays Harbor in January and looking forward to seeing people.

11.20.2012 - First Doctor Appt

Byron and I went to our first ultrasound today.  I had a first glimpse previously but this was a first doctor appt to determine official due date. 

Little bean was moving around a lot and had a strong heartbeat, it looked like it was dancing.  It was too early to hear the heartbeat but we could see the strong flashing light in his little chest.  I was impressed at how good of a picture that the doctor took, every ultrasound I had seen before was hard to translate for me.

The baby measured at 9w3d so doctor adjusted the due date to June 24, 2013.

11.3.2012 - First Look

I had a little scare this week, I went to the ER to get things checked out.  Everything turned out fine and was able to get my first glimpse of our little bean. 
Based on measurements, the gestational age was set at 6 weeks, 6 days so the due date would be June 23, 2013. 

10.17.2012 - Surprise!

On October 17, 2012 we found out that there was a little Johnson on the way. 

I had been feeling weird, very thirsty and having hot flashes but didn't think that much of it.  I received a call from the person handling my mortgage refinance and I snapped and her and was in tears over nothing.  I bought a test on the way home from work and was surprised to see the result in under 2 minutes!

When Byron arrived home from work I said "I figured out why I have been feeling and acting so weird lately!" and showed him the test.  He was surprised to and said "What??" and took the test from me to look at it. I think his next word was "Awesome" but its still kind of a blur.

Baby Johnson was officially on the way.....