Sunday, May 12, 2013


Here is "my bump's" growth so far.  Pics taken at 19, 27, 29, 30, 32, & 34 weeks.

34 Weeks

The weather is getting really nice here in Reno, 87 degree high today.

As much as I love the sun and warm summer climate, I sure am glad that I will only be pregnant for the beginning of it.  I'm hot enough as it is already!

Had my 33 week appt on Friday.  Baby Johnson is measuring right on track.  Another appt in a few weeks and then we start weekly appts.  I'm officially 34 weeks as of today, Sunday, May 12th (Mother's Day).....which is 41 days.  41 days sounds so close!! I'll stick with 6 weeks. :)

Took a pic of Tater today that was slightly obstructed.  I thought I would share it because it makes me laugh. =)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

33 Weeks

Today is 33 weeks.  I'll also be 33 this week so thats some good timing ;)

The nursery area is starting to come together.  Just working on organizing the closet.  Baby Johnson's first 4 stuffed friends are in the crib and ready to entertain. :)