Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 2013 Update

As of today, Baby Johnson is 23 weeks, 2 days along - almost six months.  He is estimated to be the size of an ear of corn (8.5 inches) and about 1.5 pounds.   At this point most of his internal organs have formed and are functioning and he closely resembles a little human.  He also can hear sound and has developed taste buds. 

16 weeks, 5 days to go until my due date!

Lots of happenings to report in the last few weeks!

1.  I was laid off from my job at HR Coordinator with CEVA Logistics (I really liked it - boo) but we are being positive about the change. I have had a few promising interviews so far. =)
Plus....When I'm not job searching this leaves more time to prepare for baby's arrival in June.

2.  Byron and I started a registry at Babies R Us. That was quite overwhelming...but fun!  Quite a few people have asked about this, here is the info:

3.  I had my monthly doctor's appointment on Feb 20th.  Baby is measuring right on track, 22 and a half weeks.  Strong heartbeat.  :)

4.  We bought our first baby item last weekend, a Graco jogger travel system (basically a stroller and infant car seat combo).  Even Byron thinks it is pretty cool. 

Due to popular demand, here is my latest bump photo, at 23 weeks.  I will try to include my face sometime in the future. ;)

Here is me at 18 weeks so you can compare, I have been a slacker about posting these. 

Grandma's Gender Reveal

On our trip home to visit in January we revealed the gender to the grandmas with a present in a gender neutral gift bag.  We gave them "Grandma Brag Books" which contained a few ultrasound photos. Basically these are little 4x6 photo albums that were blue to show the gender.

Since this is my mom's first time being a grandma, I wanted to capture her reaction.  The photos are below.  She got distracted by the cute book and photos and I had to say "Mom....what color is the book?"  The second photo is her reaction when the color blue clicked in her head. ;)  For the record, I think we would have had the same reaction if it was a girl.  She's very excited to be a grandma.


Friday, February 8, 2013

02.03.2013 - Halfway

20 weeks today which means halfway to the 40 week due date.

Baby must be celebrating because I woke up this morning feeling him move for the first time. It feels like little muscle twitches inside that get stronger and stronger.

It is undescribable how amazing it is to feel a little person moving inside you.
Can't wait until they are real kicks!

01.23.2013 - 2nd Trimester Anatomy Scan

We had our second trimester anatomy scan at 18.5 weeks on January 23rd. 

The anatomy scan measures baby and looks at the essential organs to ensure they are all there and functional (brain, heart, kidneys, and liver).  Also if baby is not being shy you can usually find out the gender at this appointment. And...its a boy!!

Everything looked great!  We are so excited that he is healthy.  During the scan he kept putting his hands to his mouth, it looked like he was trying to play a trumpet.  The doctor said he is learning how to suck his thumb but hadn't figured it out yet. 

We would have been equally happy with a boy or girl but personally I'm super excited that a little Byron will be on the way.  I happen to think he is pretty great. =)