Saturday, June 29, 2013

40 Weeks - June 23, 2013

40 Weeks, due date has arrived! Doctor visit this week revealed that Baby Johnson isn't ready to arrive yet.  No progress toward labor other than occasional Braxton Hicks contractions.  Next apt is Monday, July 1st to check progress and discuss options, I will be 41 weeks, 1 day for the appt.  Hopefully baby will decide to  start the process toward joining the world soon!  Otherwise we will have to look at other options like possible induction.

Looks like we will have a July baby on our hands rather than June.  Byron and I are anxious for his arrival.

Tyler and Trinity arrived this week, maybe that is why he is opting to arrive late?  The kids are out enjoying Lake Tahoe today with Byron and Uncle Jesse and Cousin Austin (who are visiting for the weekend).  The weather is hot, hot, hot here.  Thank goodness for AC! =)

Austin, Tyler, Jesse, & Trinity at Lake Tahoe today.
At the top of Mt Rose, almost 9000 feet. 
Trinity, Austin, Byron, Jesse, & Tyler

39 Weeks

Getting closer! 1 week until due date.

Week 38

Week 38 was very fun.  Good friends Angela & Daniele  came to visit Reno and put together a virtual shower for me.  Friends and family that attended were able to do so via webcam.  It was really nice, thanks ladies, you're the best!!  And thanks to those who attended.  Its the next best thing to seeing everyone in person.

We also had a little  time to hit the downtown casinos and play a little. :)


Sunday, June 2, 2013

June has arrived!

I have been slacking with my posts, for some reason I have been so tired and lazy lately!

Since last post i have hit weeks 35, 36, & today hit 37 weeks.  Since 37 weeks is considered "full term", Baby Johnson is officially baked and is just plumping up until he is ready to arrive!  He should weigh about six pounds and measure around 18-19 inches.

This means only 3 weeks until his 40 week due date of June 23rd.  Baby Johnson's big brother and sister will be arriving in Reno on June 28th so he may decide to wait for their arrival.  We shall see!

I'm still working full-time, probably will until he arrives.  I'm lucky to have a job that doesn't make me be on my feet too much so I can handle it well.  Definitely get tired and sore in the evenings though. 

Angela & Daniele will be visitng next weekend, very much looking forward to it!!
The weather has warmed up a lot over the last few weeks, it should be in the low 90s during their time here which I know they are looking forward to.  They have put together a little virtual baby shower for me which I'm very excited for!  :)

Starting to put together clothes, diapers, etc and doing lots of cleaning.  Baby Johnson is more organized than mommy is! I'm sure that won't last long after he arrives. ;)  I think the nesting instinct has officially kicked in.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Here is "my bump's" growth so far.  Pics taken at 19, 27, 29, 30, 32, & 34 weeks.

34 Weeks

The weather is getting really nice here in Reno, 87 degree high today.

As much as I love the sun and warm summer climate, I sure am glad that I will only be pregnant for the beginning of it.  I'm hot enough as it is already!

Had my 33 week appt on Friday.  Baby Johnson is measuring right on track.  Another appt in a few weeks and then we start weekly appts.  I'm officially 34 weeks as of today, Sunday, May 12th (Mother's Day).....which is 41 days.  41 days sounds so close!! I'll stick with 6 weeks. :)

Took a pic of Tater today that was slightly obstructed.  I thought I would share it because it makes me laugh. =)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

33 Weeks

Today is 33 weeks.  I'll also be 33 this week so thats some good timing ;)

The nursery area is starting to come together.  Just working on organizing the closet.  Baby Johnson's first 4 stuffed friends are in the crib and ready to entertain. :)